Alert: Earthquake in Reno

Event: Civil Emergency Message
Sender Name: NV Washoe County Test,NV
Issued: 2017-04-06T15:07:29-04:00
Expires: 2017-04-06T15:22:29-04:00
WEA Text: EXERCISE Confirmed report of a 5.4 scale earthquake in downtown Reno. Shelter in Place.
Description: EXERCISE. This is an emergency message from the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. There has been a confirmed report of a 5.4 scale earthquake in downtown Reno. Buildings may be at risk of collapsing. Shelter in Place if necessary.
Instruction: If you feel a tremor, drop to your hands and knees before you get knocked down. Cover your head and neck. Hold on to your shelter until the shaking stops. DO NOT stand in a doorway. If you need help or are injured during this quake, call 911. Again, there is a confirmed report of an earthquake in downtown Reno. This concludes this message from the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office.
Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Extreme
Certainty: Observed
Categories: Safety,
Resource links:
EAS Broadcast Content Type: audio/x-ipaws-audio-mp3 Link:
Area Description: Earthquake

Message Identifier: AS-NV-c5e063fb-5830-4a03-82ad-0361a4b5fbf820173615729
CAP MessageType: Alert
Added note: – IPAWS Test