Alert: TEST ONLY – Tsunami WA Coast

Event: Civil Emergency Message
Sender Name: AlertSense Admin,ID
Issued: 2018-05-15T10:39:05-06:00
Expires: 2018-05-15T11:39:05-06:00
WEA Text: TEST ONLY! Tsunami expected along WA Coast. If you are reading this message, EVACUATE!
Description: TEST ONLY – A 20 foot Tsunami is expected to reach the Washington Coast at 2:00pm. Exactly 4 hours from now. Evacuate immediately.
Instruction: THIS IS ONLY A TEST. Evacuate all areas of Washington coast immediately. Tsunami approaching. If you are receiving this message, evacuate now. THIS IS A TEST.
Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Extreme
Certainty: Observed
Categories: Safety,
Resource links:
EAS Broadcast Content Type: audio/x-ipaws-audio-mp3 Link:
Area Description: Washington Coast

Message Identifier: AS-ID-d3a34201-8996-4f2e-a89c-1b3e38f993b5
CAP MessageType: Alert
Added note: – AlertSense