Alert: WildFire Warning in ____ County

Event: Fire Warning
Sender Name: AlertSense Test Region,ID
Issued: 2018-05-14T11:42:18-06:00
Expires: 2018-05-14T12:42:18-06:00
WEA Text: There is a Wild Fire evacuation in your area. Prepare for immediate evacuation.
Description: The ______ County Sheriffs Office is issuing a WildFire evacuation warning for the ___________ area.
Instruction: Prepare for evacuation in the following areas:
Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Extreme
Certainty: Observed
Categories: Safety,
Resource links:
EAS Broadcast Content Type: audio/x-ipaws-audio-mp3 Link:
Area Description: Wild Fire

Message Identifier: AS-ID-cd3c33eb-db32-486b-86ee-ea1d58be90bc
CAP MessageType: Alert
Added note: – AlertSense