Event: Child Abduction Emergency
Sender Name: UT Bureau of Criminal Identification,Salt Lake City,UT
Issued: 2018-02-12T15:03:58-05:00
Expires: 2018-02-12T21:03:58-05:00
WEA Text: Utah Amber Aler updated UNITED STATES
Description: This is Modified Amber Alert notification of a child abduction. The Dept Public Safety – Mis is asking for the public’s help.The suspect is identified as Bear,yogi. She/He is 5 feet 03 inches tall.

The child abduction victim is identified by police as Bear,boo Hoo. He is 1 year old and was wearing testclothing. He has a bald head and black eyes.

The abduction happened at United States.

The suspect was driving a vehicle with license plate ABC
Instruction: If you have any information please call DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY – MIS Police.
Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Extreme
Certainty: Observed
Categories: Safety,
Resource links:
PHOTO Type: jpg/gif/png Link: https://amberimages.ncmec.org/30040/p60090.jpg
Area Description: STATE OF UTAH

Message Identifier: UT-DPS-UCJIS-UAA-SOAPUI-20-M7201811215358
CAP MessageType: Update
Added note: – IPAWS Test