Alert: Fire Warning

Event: Fire Warning
Sender Name: Demo Cog,Charles County,MD
Issued: 2016-04-20T16:12:49-04:00
Expires: 2016-04-20T18:12:49-04:00
WEA Text: TEST Dangerous wildfire near Plantation Bay Section B please evacuate immediately TEST
Description: TEST A large wildfire is growing out of control in the Plantation Bay area of the county. We are asking all residents in Section B of the community to evacuate thier residences immediately. Safe Haven shelters have been established at the PB Community Center the Elementary School and the High School.

All other Plantation Bay residents should remain vigilant and use this time to prepare in the event of a pending evacuation of your neighborhood

Stay tuned to your local TV and Radio stations for updates and additional protective actions that we may provide

Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Extreme
Certainty: Observed
Categories: Fire,
Area Description: Charles County

Message Identifier: 4ab96029-cf84-4e51-b8bd-5bfa3baa0f80
CAP MessageType: Alert
Added note: – Code Red