Event: Law Enforcement Warning
Sender Name: NV Washoe County Test,NV
Issued: 2016-03-25T09:42:32-04:00
Expires: 2016-03-25T11:42:32-04:00
WEA Text: TEST: Escapee: 34 yr. old male, short cropped hair….clean shaven. Orange jumpsuit.
Description: EXERCISE. This is a message from the Truckee Meadows Community College Police Department. There has been a prison escape from the Nevada Department of Corrections prison. The escapee is described as a 34 year old white male with short cropped hair and no facial hair. The escapee was last seen wearing an orange jumpsuit.
Instruction: The escapee should be considered extremely dangerous and may be armed. If seen, please do not approach the individual and call 911 immediately. This concludes the transmission from TMCCPD.
Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Extreme
Certainty: Observed
Categories: Safety,
Resource links:
EAS Broadcast Content Type: audio/x-ipaws-audio-mp3 Link: https://storage-tts.alertsense.com/tts-generated-audio/6e3b77ee7e8d9ef3ec901e50465c9b93.mp3
Area Description: Escapee
Message Identifier: AS-NV-75870c3b-9960-461a-ab27-7a3131beb3f1201622594232
CAP MessageType: Alert
Added note: – IPAWS Test