Update: CMAS Test only message 6

Event: Child Abduction
Sender Name: Los Angeles Police Department – LAPD
Issued: 2015-04-13T08:54:18-04:00
Expires: 2015-04-13T09:54:18-04:00
WEA Text: This is an Amber Alert Update for April 13 test 1
Description: THIS NOT an Actual Mesage. It is only a test. This is Descriptive text that defines the alert
Instruction: This is not an Actual message. It is only a Test. This is where the call to action for folks receiving the message should be provided.
Urgency: Immediate
Severity: Moderate
Certainty: Likely
Categories: Rescue,
Area Description: TEST AREA

Message Identifier: CMSPmsg06_201531385418
CAP MessageType: Update
Added note: – IPAWS Test