Alert: Fire Warning

Event: Fire Warning Sender Name: Demo Cog,Ormond Beach,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T14:33:04-04:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T15:33:04-04:00 WEA Text: There is a danerous wildfire growing in the Plantation Bay area Please evacuate the area Description: TEST ONLY There is a wildfire spreading rapidly through the Plantation Bay area of Volusia County. Residents is sections 1 through 5 are in the …

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Filed under FRW

Alert: Practice/Demo Warning

Event: Practice/Demo Warning Sender Name: Demo Cog,Ormond Beach,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T14:28:17-04:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T15:28:17-04:00 WEA Text: Shelter in place test 2 Description: Shelter in place test. 2 Urgency: Immediate Severity: Extreme Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: Volusia County Message Identifier: 33456f46-d68f-48b7-80d6-73228b66dbb3 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – Code Red

Filed under DMO

Alert: Practice/Demo Warning

Event: Practice/Demo Warning Sender Name: Demo Cog,Ormond Beach,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T14:25:18-04:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T15:25:18-04:00 WEA Text: Shelter in place test 2 Description: Shelter in place test. 2 Urgency: Immediate Severity: Extreme Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: Volusia County Message Identifier: 951ecd43-273a-4007-adfb-711f2afbd139 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – Code Red

Filed under DMO

Alert: Local Area Emergency

Event: Local Area Emergency Sender Name: Demo Cog,Ormond Beach,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T13:55:20-04:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T14:55:20-04:00 WEA Text: Shelter in place test 2 Description: Shelter in place test. 2 Urgency: Immediate Severity: Extreme Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: Volusia County Message Identifier: 3b1e5eb5-61fd-4c51-9d0c-b7c56b176e40 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – Code Red

Filed under SPW

Alert: GSSNet Wednesday Test

Event: Required Weekly Test Sender Name: Global Security Systems Issued: 2015-01-21T10:55:10-06:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T11:55:00-06:00 Description: GSSNet Wednesday Test Urgency: Immediate Severity: Extreme Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: American Samoa, Message Identifier: 54bfd95cb74d200c68ebdc70 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – GSS

Filed under RWT

Alert: Evacuation Immediate

Event: Evacuation Immediate Sender Name: Demo Cog,Ormond Beach,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T12:43:18-04:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T13:43:18-04:00 WEA Text: Test2 Description: Test2 Urgency: Immediate Severity: Severe Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: Volusia County Message Identifier: 9d17f84c-9b44-4f09-b7fb-b94e581ba0ed CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – Code Red

Filed under EVI

Alert: Evacuation Immediate

Event: Evacuation Immediate Sender Name: Demo Cog,Ormond Beach,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T12:38:29-04:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T13:38:29-04:00 WEA Text: Test Description: Test Urgency: Immediate Severity: Severe Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: Volusia County Message Identifier: b7cdfa57-5af2-4f8a-8639-c0e6f82871b8 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – Code Red

Filed under EVI


Event: Local Area Emergency Sender Name: LeidosIPAWS,Edgewood,Maryland Issued: 2015-01-21T10:10:29-05:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T11:30:29-05:00 Description: TEST ALL COUNTIES. THIS IS A TEST OF THE EM2P WEA ALL COUNTIES POLYGON THIS IS ONLY A TEST Urgency: Immediate Severity: Severe Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: Cumberland County Message Identifier: 1012434101111045-5232440201501121653193742015021101029 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – IPAWS Test

Filed under LAE

Alert: Testing polygons and locations

Event: Civil Danger Warning Sender Name: JITC,Testing,MD Issued: 2015-01-21T10:06:07-05:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T11:26:07-05:00 WEA Text: Test only Civil Danger Warning in this area until 4:32PM EST Prepare for Action Description: Testing polygons and locations Urgency: Immediate Severity: Extreme Certainty: Observed Categories: Safety, Area Description: VA Message Identifier: MSU-15d4cda3-efd3-4861-8503-1a992d39b12c20150211067 CAP MessageType: Alert Added note: – IPAWS Test

Filed under CDW

Alert: EAS Required Weekly Test

Event: Required Weekly Test Sender Name: EMnet-MI.032,Melbourne,FL Issued: 2015-01-21T09:55:26-05:00 Expires: 2015-01-21T10:55:26-05:00 WEA Text: A required weekly test has been issued for Berrien County. Tune to your local TV or radio Description: THIS IS A REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST OF THE SOUTHWESTERN MICHIGAN EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM ORIGINATING FROM THE BERRIEN COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER. IF THIS HAD …

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